Climater is an italian company that since 1960 offers technical, mechanical, electrical and energy solutions for a wide range of industries.


Sanificazione impianti Decreto "Cura Italia"

19 March 2020

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HVAC Sanitization "Cura Italia" Decree

Control Measures for Covid-19

Climater offers the remediation and sanitation service of technological systems, available for the different types of systems.

According to the Cura Italia Decree, for the 2020 tax period, a tax credit is recognized, equal to 50% of the costs of sanitizing the environments and work tools incurred and documented up to a maximum of 20,000 euros for each beneficiary, up to a maximum of 50 million euros for the year 2020.

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Sanificazione impianti Decreto "Cura Italia" Sanificazione impianti Decreto "Cura Italia" Sanificazione impianti Decreto "Cura Italia" Sanificazione impianti Decreto "Cura Italia"
  • Climater since 1960 : design, installation and maintenance of technological systems

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    Climater since 1960 : design, installation and maintenance of technological systems

  • Climater since 1960 : design, installation and maintenance of technological systems

  • Italian Company international experience

  • Energy consulting, sustainability

  • Together toward the future

  • Innovation

Trasporto sostenibile!

Monday 9 May 2022


Con il contributo FSC 2014-2020 E della Regione Lazio per un importo di € 10.000,00, Climater acquisisce un nuovo veicolo ecologico per offrire i suoi servizi in modo sostenibile e in armonia con l'ambiente! Grazie alla Regione Lazio!...

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