The machine does not isolate man from the great problems of nature but plunges him more deeply into them.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Climater offers solutions related to the design , construction , operation and management of technological, mechanical and electrical systems; it is also engaged in services related to energy sourcing, energy management and energy efficiency, with the goal of ensuring the welfare and health of the various types of users in the full economic, environmental and social sustainability.
Climater is also able to operate as E.S.CO. ( Energy Service Company ) : through energy saving measures, it follows for customers an energy efficiency increase in energy supply system. As an E.S.CO. , Climater can also finance directly , or through third parties , the energy efficiency improvement measures .
For his skills and experience , Climater is able to intervene in partial or total way at different stages of the supply chain which make up the industry :
- Design
1979 sees the light of a new division dedicated to the design of the facilities.
This Section is structured on the experience accumulated in twenty years, on a continuous methodological research, with the focus on proper functioning over time, lower energy and manteinance costs.
- Installation
This division started life in 1960, since then the continuous consensus until now had by the client and the tenacious passion for our work, we have encouraged the construction of many cutting-edge plant works.
- Maintenance
The "maintenance" division was founded in 1978 / 79 on the growing demand of customers due, fundamentally, to the bad state of repair that other companies reserving to our installations. We have systems that we have realized and we have maintained since 1978, still operating coherently with new technological and environmental requirements.
- Commissioning
The commissioning process is a process distinct from those of design, construction management, construction, testing and calibration, but joins with them to ensure that all information flows properly and are well understood at all the purpose of the work, the reasons choices, the consequences of any changes and corrective actions to be triggered to maintain the objective of meeting the expectations of the final customer.
By way of example, but not exhaustive, here there are some solutions and services that Climater is able to realize :
Energy Consulting
- Energy Service
- Advice and Planning
- Energy audit
- Project financing
- Administrative advice
- Energy efficiency
- Energy management
- Accounting and thermoregulation
- Energy and energy audit Audit
- Titles energy efficiency
- Energy data management
- Integrated Energy Management
- Remote management
- First aid
- Operation and Maintenance
- Fuel Supply
Design, construction, maintenance
- Plant heating and air conditioned
- Plant summer and winter conditioning
- Fire prevention systems
- Electrical systems
- thermohydraulic systems
- Renewables
- District Heating
- Cogeneration systems
- System integration
- Reclamation bacteriological systems Cooling
- Compressed air systems
- Inks Appliances
- Equipment remote management and remote control
- Water treatment
- Swimming pools
- Accounting and thermoregulation
- Heating system control
- Soundproofing systems
- Energy Service
- Energy portfolio management
- Integrated Energy Management
- Energy management systems
- Global service
- E.S.CO.
- Facility management