The SOA certification is mandatory for participation in tenders for the execution of public works contracts , a requested document to prove company's ability to execute , directly or subcontracting , public works of work whose starting price is superior to € 150,000.00 ; it certifies and guarantees the ownership by the company of the construction sector of all the requirements of the current legislation in the field of Public Contracts of works.
- Cat OG11 Table VI Technological € 10,329,138.00 ( HVAC, fire protection, ventilation , electrical, etc.).
- OG1 / IV Public , civil and industrial buildings
- OG11 / V bis Technological systems
- OS3 / The water-sanitary plants, kitchens , laundries
- OS5 / Safety Equipment
- OS28 / IV Thermal conditioning and air treatment
- OS30 / III Telephone , electricity , TV installations